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Five first date Forget-me-Nots

By Diane Farr

You might know her as the lovely (and brave) cohost of MTV's Loveline or from her current role on The Job, but this actress also has some hilarious secrets on friendship that she shares in her new book The Girl Code. Check out these five must-read dating rules before you go out on your next date -- or send them to your favorite single friend! She'll thank you for it!

The Ugly Underwear Rule

If you really want to hook up on a first date, wear your ugliest underwear. Inevitably, you’ll hook up.

The Unshaven Legs Rule

If you apply this and the ugly underwear rule at the same time, you’ll probably marry the guy.


When the date is over and you think you like him but you’re still not exactly sure, a little recreational kissing probably won’t hurt him or you. And…it may help answer that question of whether you’re interested.


Irresponsible Recretional Kissing is when you make out with him because you foolishly think you have to or when you already know you’re not interested and just aren’t mature enough to say so.

Pick Up After Yourself

If a girlfriend was kind enough to loan you an outfit for this important evening out, make sure you dry-clean it immediately. Don’t keep it, thinking you have some nostalgic right to adopt it. Return it – cleaned – by next weekend, or you could karmicly damage the date you just had. (Not really, but return her damn clothes anyway.)

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