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Dating Tips for Guys Revealed in New Report by Relationship Guru

May 31, 2012 in Black Dating Sites

San Mateo, CA (PRWEB) April 05, 2012

A little preparation and knowledge of dating and how to attract women makes the difference between a full social calendar and sitting home alone all weekend, Xuma says in his new report on dating tips for guys.

The first realization that Xuma shares is that men need to realize that being afraid to enter the dating world is not a few that only men have. Women are afraid, as well.

Men who understand what women are afraid of in the dating world will be a step ahead of the game, Xuma says in his report on dating tips for guys.

For instance, here are a mans top five fears about dating and then a look at how they compare to a womans top five fears:

Men fear rejection, loss of freedom, failure, sexual inadequacy and that a womans emotions will overwhelm him.

Women, on the other hand, fear they are not attractive enough, that they wont find an emotional connection with a man, that he wont commit, that he wont like her when she shows her inner self, and that hell leave her for another woman.

Breaking those fears down show that mens fears have to do with freedom, ego, and competence, Xuma says in his report on dating tips for guys. Men worry they will be trapped in a relationship or that they wont be good enough.

Women have fears that center around their attractiveness as a woman, their identity, and their strong desire to have an emotional connection with a man.

The key to success in attracting a woman, Xuma says in his report, is for a man to bridge that gap between what men want and fear and want women want and fear.

Find that middle ground, Xuma says. A man needs a little help overcoming his resistance to commitment so he can help women feel loved and nurture her desire for an emotional connection.

Men who confront their fears, emotions, and reactions head on, will be able to have real relationships with women serious or casual. Either way, they will become attractive to women, Xuma says in his report on dating tips for guys.

Xuma has spent years teaching hundreds of men flirting tips for guys and has been a dating expert and attraction adviser for more than 10 years. He has appeared on ABC and CBS television, as well as Playboy radio. Hes the author of The Bad Boy Formula, Secrets of the Alpha Male, the Girlfriend Training Program, and numerous other books and articles. He has also been recognized for his work sharing dating advice for guys and sharing dating tips for guys.

For more information, visit Carlos Xumas website at http://www.carlosxuma.com

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